Holistic Nutrition Coaching

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01 — The Energy Method for Women 30+

Available March 1st, 2022

Are you tired of feeling exhausted all of the time? Fatigue affects us all differently, but we all have one thing in common; we can’t live like this anymore! Fatigue is a symptom that affects all areas of our life and the emotional toll can be debilitating. Fatigue can lead to feelings of guilt, inadequacy, self-consciousness, frustration, depression, irritability, hopelessness, and embarrassment, just to name a few. And these feelings affect our lives, and not usually for the better. How are they affecting your relationships with your partner and your family? How is your sex life? Are you present with your kids? Are you losing connection with your friends? Are you struggling at work?

TRANSFORMATION: What will your life look like when you feel energized and vibrant? How will your transformation affect not only yourself, but your relationships, your work life, your social life, your sex life? Are you are ready to commit to doing the work to develop positive and sustainable lifestyle changes that will help you to be successful with your goal transformation? YES! This is the program for you. In The Energy Method, you can expect the following:

-Learning lessons on how to fuel your body with the proper nutrition

-Learning lessons on how to reduce stress

-Learning lessons on how to improve sleep

-Learning lessons on how to design the right movement-based program for you

-Step by step action tasks related to each learning lesson to develop and maintain new positive habits

-Over 40 healthy recipes for snacks and meals to inspire your growth and mindset

-Weekly group coaching calls to support you in your journey and to answer your questions

-Lifetime access to the exclusive Facebook community, The Energy Method Group

-A positive change in energy and attitude…if you’ve put the work into it!

*Eligible for reimbursement through select health benefits insurance programs


02 — 3 Month Personalized Nutrition Package

Investment: $699 1 time payment or $233/month for 3 months

*Eligible for reimbursement through select health benefits insurance programs

Let’s work together to help you to feel more energized and more vibrant than ever before!  Are you ready to make some positive health and wellness changes to enhance your overall wellbeing? Together in a private setting, we will discuss any health concerns and overall wellness, and we will establish a plan to meet your goals.  Staying connected to your WHY throughout this program will help you to stay focused and to commit to the positive changes we make along the journey.

*Please note, all sessions will be held virtually or over the phone only.

  • Session 1 - 60 minutes - Review client intake and assessment form to develop a sustainable plan to reach your goals. This will include information regarding, but not limited to, nutrition plans, sleep habits, exercise options, and relaxation techniques.

  • Sessions 2 to 12 - 30 minutes each - Stay connected. Feel supported. Stay motivated. These sessions will be held weekly and will be used to review the plan and modify it as necessary to continue to move towards your goals. Action steps for each week will be determined to strengthen habits and celebrate mini-goals throughout the journey.


Let’s heal together.

 DISCLAIMER — I am not a physician, dietician, nurse, or medical professional. This group/program is informational only to support your health goals. The information presented is never intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Full medical clearance from a licensed physician should be obtained before beginning or modifying any diet, exercise, or lifestyle program; and physicians should be informed of all food changes. If you are gaining information for your own health or client issues and you or they have a medical condition of any kind, you or they must maintain treatment as prescribed by a physician regardless of suggestions, comments, and shared information or any use of suggested online guides, supplementations, websites or products. In the case of medical diagnoses, it is vital to work with a physician to determine the best course of action and to never replace one treatment for another that goes against a physician’s advice. None of the recommendations, suggestions or written information provided in this group/program/course or within communication here or in messages, emails, or forums are intended to replace medical advice of any kind. Anything you learn through this program should be taught and/or shared at your own risk.